

With the holidays behind us, I’ve made some more edits to my problematic opening and am hoping this time I’ve nailed it. I’d like to give a shout-out to Lisa Amowitz, who gave me some great suggestions on where my opening got too complicated or off-track. She found lots to love, but she also enabled me to …

Too Little, Too Early

My #writer friends will understand when I observe the irony around the first two books in my trilogy. For book 1, I cut a 121K manuscript down to 87K words. I axed scenes, subplots, weak jokes, convoluted exchanges, and long-winded phrasing. The lessons of such an exercise permeate your entire writing habit after awhile, and you become akin …

Pikes Peak Writers Conference 2017

I had a blast at Pikes Peak Writers Conference (PPWC) 2017. A few highlights: Thursday: Attending Donald Maass’ prequel session. He made us ask ever-deeper questions about our work and how we could enrich it. Friday: Moderated 2 sessions. That was my first time moderating sessions. I highly recommend it, you get to be helpful and get …

Why won’t .DOC die?

It happened again–had to send out text in .DOC format. For those of you too young to remember. .DOC is the original Microsoft Word format. In fact it’s been upgraded several times; according to Wikipedia, there are 4 versions dating back to the MS-DOS days. And .DOC is a horrid file format, and that’s the nicest …


Recently one of my dear critique group friends told me that there are combination exercise bike/desks, and I looked them up and got one (the FitDesk specifically). I have to say this was a great choice. Some people have said you can’t really effectively multi-task, but I will say I can read on there, and I …

Fiction vs. Software

I attended a terrific presentation during PPWC 2016, entitled A Novel in 90 Days by Johnny Worthen. Excellent presentation. In this Johnny combined (albeit perhaps not entirely knowingly) industrial-grade project management concepts with cognitive theory to model writing as a sustainable occupation. What I noted here was a great many parallels with software projects. For instance: Tracking Progress: Johnny wants …